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Living On Purpose

In this blog Elaine Taylor-Klaus shares her musings on purposeful parenting, partnering and living. Read, enjoy, and comment ...

Entries in Expectations (3)


Re-Defining Success to Fit our Busy World

With the volume of information we process amidst the extensive distractions of a technological age, there is a limited amount of attention we can give to each aspect of our life. Should we try to do it all? Or should we make different choices. What does it look like to re-define success in the context of a modern world?

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Escape Expectations, Find Your Core Values: What do you Really WANT?

How DO you differentiate between what others want from you, from what you actually want for yourself? It’s easier than you might imagine: you start with your core values. Values are like a road map for what is important to you, a way to identify clearly what it might look like for you to “walk the talk” in your life. They are who you are at your core. 

So, if you are ready to stop doing what’s expected of you and start living your own life, get started with this do-it-yourself values-clarification exercise.

Read Elaine's full blog on ShareWiK.com >

Let us know how it goes!


Identify your Core Values

One of the great gifts of Middle Age is the opportunity to give yourself the permission to shed your parents' expectations and replace them with your own.

But how do you do it? How do you differentiate between what others want or expect from you, and what you actually want for yourself?

Here are 3 activities you can do to start identifying your core values – which are a fundamental part of your decision-making process.

Read the full blog on ShareWiK.com >