Write Your Story - All of It

Vision is important. Visioning is critical.
Most entrepreneurs understand the value of a Vision Statement as a way to capture the desired future state for your company. It’s part dream, part desire, part direction. It is designed to be the inspiration, the foundation for your company’s strategic planning. It is a powerful, confident pronouncement of the truth that you seek to create.
While valuable, a Vision Statement is insufficient to inspire, to drive, to lead your company. You need to take it a step further. Your business needs a Vision Story.
A Vision Story is everything that's behind the Vision Statement. It captures a "day-in-the-life" description of your company: the operational environment, the cultural environment, leadership ethos, team demographics and group dynamics. It is rich in imagery, paints a complete picture, and inspires.
But where do you, the entrepreneur, show up in the company's Vision Story? What about your personal desires and plans? For most entrepreneurs, they remain invisible.
True success will elude you until you create your own, complete Vision Story. I have experienced this personally, and in my coaching with entrepreneurs.
A complete Vision Story is structured much like the one you'll create for your company. What's different? This version covers the personal and the professional: family, friends, work, play, faith, travel, food, culture, etc. It’s based on what you want for your life, for your spouse, for your kids, for the family. It describes your relationships, your recreation, your passions. It captures your work environment, work style, location, market, team culture, leadership style.
Your complete Vision Story resonates with you. It inspires you. Your heart beats faster as you read it.
Start with your own Vision Story. Then, with your team, create one for your company.
You do not have to choose between having a business or having a life. You have to be intentional enough to create both.
It's your story. Why leave it half written?

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