Choose Differently

ability to choose one thought over another.
I think we were still in Florida.
We were driving home on Labor Day and hadn't even been on the road for an hour. I still had sand between my toes and I caught myself saying, "I just couldn't find the time to ..."
My untouched to-do list was with me, in my laptop bag, in the trunk, following me home. I could feel the stress creeping in (feeling it now just writing about it). I was giving myself crap for not doing work on a two-and-a-half day vacation! Really?
Here's the truth: We don't FIND time for the things that are important to us, we MAKE it.
While we were in Florida I made time to be with Elaine, our kids, some dear friends and my godson.
There would be plenty of time when I got home to attack my to-do list (actually, lists) on Tuesday morning.
I chose one thought (I made time to be with my family instead of my MacBook) over another (I didn't get enough done). The simple act of choosing a different perspective made all the difference ... I could feel the stress begin to dissipate.
Choice is a surprisingly effective weapon, isn't it?
What perspective will you choose?
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