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Get it Together

Touchstone Coaching radically changes the reactive way that people tend to live their lives and opens up the possibilities of a life of choice. By providing a structure for evaluation and decision-making, Touchstone enables clients to bust out of old paradigms and risk creating something new.

Clients often come to coaching with a vague sense that something needs to change.  Touchstone gives them a framework and a language for creating a clear vision, and the support to see the client through to action. Touchstone clients learn to trust themselves, and have the confidence to initiate and sustain change.

Potential clients include: anyone who feel they have been spinning their wheels, people with ADHD, entrepreneurs, mothers having trouble managing the many plates they must keep in the air, people re-entering the work force, people who feel stuck in 'the way things are.'

Are you ready to get out of your own way?